Sep 4, 2015

Finishing my fantastic time at CTG

Thessalonki in Greece was my last stop after a challenging (and amazing) year in NY, spending my PhD research as Visiting Scholar at CTG.
How much honor! Bea and CTG staff for ever.
I attended IFIP 2015 presenting two papers. No doubt, a big deal! The PhD Colloquium was great (although I was exhausted because of the long trip and by scared about my husband). The good contributions from a very competent committee, like Janssen and Scholl to my research "Long-Range and Low Cost Technologies: Proposing Guidelines for the use of SMS in the Public Sector". It really has no price!
PhD Colloquium
On September 2th I presented my paper "The Value of Commonly Available and Low cost Technologies: Towards a Business Model for SMS-Based Government Services", which I wrote with Professor Gil-Garcia and Professor Gimenez. I really appreciated the questions and suggestions that the audience asked and gave me. So, attend the IFIP in Greece was fantastic!!

Bea presenting her research at IFIP
It was funny...The first day I was walking on the street in Thessaloniki...I heard someone calling my was Theresa and Manuel Pardo. WOW!!!!

See Jörn Van Lucke, Maria Wimmer, Marijn Janssen again made me feel at home.

Traveling with Theresa and Manuel was the second best part of this trip (the first was of course to participe at IFIP). Is was really fantastic! Thank you Theresa and Manuel, to be your guest for this trip around Tessaloniki. Good memories for ever!
Going to the beach...
Before arrive in Brazil, I stopped for six hours in Zurich, where I worked in another paper about eGov in Brazil, Mexico and USA, which I am the co-author with Ramón. 

Now I am very happy with my family in Brazil. I am so anxious to meet my friends...and see what is happening in my University, my Company and in my Country.

I already miss everybody and everything.

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