Feb 13, 2015


Special Issue Topic: Digital Government and Public Management

Theresa A. Pardo, Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany, SUNY,

J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany, SUNY,

Sharon S. Dawes, Center for Technology in Government University at Albany, SUNY,


In every part of the world new forms of information and technology are changing society and challenging the structures, roles and management of traditional government institutions. At the same time, universal needs for human and social development, environmental protection, commercial and financial stability, and scientific and technological advancement demand governmental attention. In this complex and changing environment, governments are still expected to provide for the public good through legal and political processes and public programs and services. Both within and outside government, human and organizational linkages from the grass roots to the highest echelons, and across the public, private, and civil sectors introduce more complexity, but also potentially more kinds of resources. Recent calls for government “transformation,” “reform,” “modernization,” and “innovation” all reflect this dynamic environment. These simultaneous trends require leaders and experts who can deal with complexity and ambiguity, recognize the power of relationships and networks, and envision different roles and responsibilities for government.

Electronic government, government 2.0, and electronic governance are just some of the labels used to characterize the ideas and actions that underlie adaptation, transformation and reform efforts. This special issue will contribute to ongoing dialog within the growing digital government research and practice community by addressing leadership and management challenges through the interplay of five interconnected themes: management, policy, technology, data and context. These themes are evident in a wide range of topics including policy informatics, smart cities, cross-boundary information sharing, service delivery, and open government, among others. Accordingly, we seek submissions that explore these themes conceptually and empirically and that emphasize the importance of context, the need for cross-boundary thinking and action, a public value approach to performance, and the multi-dimensional capabilities necessary to succeed in a dynamic, multi-stakeholder environment.
We welcome papers that address such questions as:
· How do the management innovations of digital government create public value?
· What have been the effects of informatization of public functions on the structures and processes of government organizations?
· How have ICT-enabled processes affected the transparency and accountability of service delivery programs?
· What are the benefits and risks of networked forms of action and decision making?
· What are the experiences and prospects for data-driven, evidenced-based public management?
· What are the key management and leadership skills and capabilities demanded by digital government?
· What changes are needed in public management education?

Potential contributors may contact one of the editorial team for the Special Issue to discuss their proposed submission. Please submit manuscripts through the Public Management Review submission site, clearly identifying that it is to be considered for the Special Issue, at the same time sending a copy to jgil-garcia@ctg.albany.edu.


Submissions due: September 15, 2015
Notifications sent: January 15, 2016 
Final versions due: May 15, 2016
Expected publication: September 2016

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