Aug 13, 2015

Proud to be Brazilian

Mixed feelings
That Brazilian pride in Uncle Sam's home.

Gone are the days that Brazilians were known only by their good coffee, samba, amazing beaches, etc etc. In recent weeks, myself and the three Brazilian interns here at CTG have received so many compliments....The three interns have made us burst with pride because of the work they have completed during their summer here.

Gabriel, Fellipe, and Amanda have worked all summer on a Data Visualization project. 
They were so happy to see Pão de Queijo and Brigadeiros
Derek praising the trio
Ah! Our work and the positive feedback like this encourage us to continue building a better country, despite the almost insurmountable challenges.

Yumie, Minyoung, Kashif, Paula, Fellipe, Bea, Gabriel, Amanda

Yes !!! We will continue to show the world our Brazilianness.
Thank you CTGers for this opportunity. You really are a big family .... It makes us want to stay longer, right guys?

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